Thursday, November 10, 2011

Long Time No Post

I've been really slacking in my posts lately and I do not like it. I am currently working two jobs and I'm also a full time student so that really does not leave a lot of time for blogging if I want to have a social life outside of work and school. Currently, I'm putting off writing a paper which is why I now have time to update :)

Work is great. If you did not know, I work for both Journey's and PetSmart. I love working for both of these businesses. Journey's is great because I get to work with some awesome people, it's super laid back and for me it's easy to sell people shoes because I love shoes! We have dance parties all the time and my Joe, my manager, and I are constantly trying to copy the sweet dance moves from the music videos that play in the store. PetSmart is seriously a great company to work for. They are a little more strict about things within the work environment, but it's still a fun place to work. I get to pet dogs all day and interact with people who love their pets! Also, PetSmart does not sell cats or dogs because there is such an overpopulation of both already. As a company PetSmart partners with local shelters to help adopt out abandoned cats and dogs so that they can be placed in a good home and so that animals don't have to be put down because overcrowding. If you couldn't tell, I really love my jobs! What I'm not loving is having to write a paper on race relations in the United States for my sociology class, but I must now get back to writing it as I have taken too long of a "break" already.